our game too:  Asian Pacific Americans in Major League Baseball

Our Game Too: Asian Pacific Americans in Major League Baseballs

by Dr. Billy W. Simpson and Jennifer Simpson

Our Game Too: Asian Pacific Americans in Major League Baseball provides an entertaining and thought-provoking look into the rich history of Asian Pacific Americans in Major League baseball through a series of insightful anecdotes, inspiring stories, and narrative timelines.  Over 40 Asian Pacific American baseball pioneers in the past 100 years are profiled in the book.  Additionally, a brief history of baseball in Asia, as well as diversity initiatives in the MLB are also explored. 


"As readers review the achievements of generations of players who came from different roots, from Thailand to Hawaii to Vietnam, the authors comment on the growth of diversity in the sport, document obstacles and successful outcomes which have propelled Asian players into the spotlight of baseball history, and make a case for initiatives that encourage young players to enter the field and make their marks on what began as a traditionally Anglo sport. Color photos of players in action pepper the biographical sketches of key and up-and-coming players, adding high-quality visual embellishment to an already-powerful survey.


Other books have toppled the barrier for black players: it's about time the same happened for Asian and Asian Pacific baseball greats. Our Game Too's blend of biographies, baseball statistics, diversity efforts and lively descriptions of players belongs in any collection strong in not just baseball history, but in civil rights and cultural inspections of American society.


It's very, very highly recommended."


D. Donovan, Senior Reviewer, Midwest Book Review